Project: 3GT
Date: 2002-07 – 2003-12
An EC funded research project. Participants were major
European car manufacturers, Vodaphone, etc
Scope: The
conflict between the life-cycles of vehicles and their
telematics components is sometimes referred to as the
"life-cycle disaster". OSGi (Open Services Gateway
initiative) has the potential to solve this problem as it
offers a framework for managing the life-cycle of
network-delivered applications. The 3GT project will extend
OSGi to support automotive telematics by establishing common
interfaces for OSGi-based telematics service
Makewave headed one of the two technical working groups. Makewave participated in the design and implementation of both client and server parts utilizing OSGi, J2ME and J2EE technology and did the implementation of HTTP based protocol over GPRS.
Check out the 3GT website for more information.