Project: GST
Date: 2004-03 – 2007-02
GST is an EU-funded Integrated Project that is creating an
open and standardized end-to-end architecture for automotive
telematics services. Participants were major car manufacturer
such as BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Fiat, Ford, Renault, Volvo, and
major Telecom players like France Telecom, Orange, Telecom
Italia, Motorola, etc, altogether around 60
The purpose of GST is to create an environment in which innovative telematics services can be developed and delivered cost-effectively and hence to increase the range of economic telematics services available to manufacturers and consumers.
Makewaves part of the assignment was to draw up the overall architecture as a key member in the Core Architecture Group. Makewave was test site leader in Gothenburg and held the Technical Project Manager roll for the Open Systems sub project, and Integrated Work Package Manager, i.e. overall responsible for the architecture and interface specification across all sub-projects on an integrated level ensuring consistency in the specification work.
Check out the GST website for more information.