Archived Top Stories

Top Stories from the Archives

2 Nov 2012 Knopflerfish Pro Knopflerfish Pro 3.4 has been released and is available from the customer download site along-side with the 3.4 versions of Knopflerfish Pro Premium. The 3.4 version include several improvement in the framework, the OSGi compendium services as well as the Knopflerfish services, resulting in a faster and more robust Knopflerfish Pro OSGi.

The most important changes are:

  • Several stability issues corrected in SCR (Declarative Services), e.g. correcting potential deadlocks and improved circular component reference handling.
  • New SCR display in KF Desktop, showing information on SCR components.
  • Corrected potential race conditions in framework.
  • Updated framework / system bundle symbolic name, version and other header values.
  • Corrected NPE in EventAdmin when handling unregistered services.
  • An http console command group has been added to the HTTP server for inspecting the HTTP server and its settings and status.
  • Several stability issues and improvement in UPnP CP and UPnP Device, e.g. improved robustness and better error handling if other devices fail to follow the UPnP spec., retry of device refresh upon failures, corrected threading issues when adding or removing devices, corrections in subscription id handling. (Pro only)

New versions of Ubicore and Knopflerfish Pro CVIS, based on the new KF Pro version, are scheduled for update releases in the near future.
6 Aug 2012 Knopflerfish Pro A Premium-1 version of Knopflerfish Pro 3.3.0 has been released and is available for download alongside with a new KF Pro CVIS version. The 3.3.0.premium-1 version include several improvements to the UI Layer, a function only available in the KF Pro Premium distribution. The premium-1 release is based directly on the KF Pro 3.3.0 version and no updated have been made to KF Pro 3.3.0, i.e. the non premium-parts.
24 Aug 2012 There is now maven repositories available for Knopflerfish Pro Available directly from the customer download area.
6 Aug 2012 Knopflerfish Pro Ubicore 3.7 has been released is released and is now available for download for customers from the customer download area. The 3.7 release includes several improvements and corrections. The most important changes are:

  • Upgrade of third party Ubicore server libraries, including an upgrade of tomcat to tomcat 7
  • Ubicore client is based on KF Pro 3.3.0.premium-1
  • Improved bundle cache in GST Client

5 Jul 2012 Knopflerfish Pro Knopflerfish Pro 3.3 has been released and is available from the customer download site along-side with the 3.3 versions of Knopflerfish Pro Premium and Knopflerfish Pro CVIS. The 3.3 version include several improvement in the framework, the OSGi compendium services as well as the Knopflerfish services, resulting in a faster and more robust Knopflerfish Pro OSGi.

The most important changes are:

  • Corrected framework stability issues, e.g. detecting and abort recursive service factory calls, issue with deadlock in service listeners
  • SCR (component) now supports the Felix SCR API. This is used by the new SCR Commands bundle, see below
  • scrcommands - new console command group bundle for controlling and inspecting service components
  • Corrected stability issues in SCR, Event Admin, CM and HTTP
  • Enhanced support for Android, including support for Android 4 and handling the crippled java security classes in Dalvik
  • Improved bundle sort order in desktop
  • HTTP PUT and DELETE supported by HttpClientConnector
  • Corrected DMT Admin stability issues (Pro only)
  • Added support for Terminal bound Applications in mgmt agent and monitor admin (Pro only)
  • Corrected stability issues in UPnP CP and UPnP Device bundles (Pro only)
  • Corrected minor issues in Appmanager (Pro Premium only)
  • More Appmanager example applications (Pro Premium only)

The open source Knopflerfish 3.3 is released at the same time and is available at the Knopflerfish project:

19 Aug 2011 Ubicore 3.6 is now released and is available from the customer download site. The new Ubicore release includes a Knopflerfish Pro Premium 3.2 based agent as well as other improvements.
17 Aug 2011 Knopflerfish Pro Knopflerfish Pro has been released and is available from the customer download. The Knopflerfish Pro Premium edition is also released at the same time. The version includes two minor fixes in the UPnP CP bundle.
15 Jul 2011 Knopflerfish Pro Knopflerfish Pro 3.2 has been released and is available from the customer download site along-side with the 3.2 versions of Knopflerfish Pro Premium and Knopflerfish Pro CVIS. The 3.2 version include several improvement in the framework, the OSGi compendium services as well as the Knopflerfish services, resulting in a faster and more robust Knopflerfish Pro OSGi.

The most important new features are:

  • Refactored fragment handling and full support for dynamic fragment attachment
  • Improved HTTP server, better handling persistent connections as well as handling DoS attacks
  • Fixed stability issues in Component (SCR)
  • Fixed stability issues in UPnP CP and Device
  • Improved Android / Dalvik support
  • New tutorials for Security and Android
  • Performance and stability improvement in UI2 and appmanager
  • New Twitter bundles for sending twitter messages

The open source Knopflerfish 3.2 is released at the same time at the Knopflerfish project:

8 Jul 2011 Follow knopflerfish on Twitter You can now follow the Makewave Team on twitter - @makewaveteam for info and updates on OSGi, Makewave and product releases.
7 Jul 2011 Knopflerfish Pro CVIS 3.1 is now released and is available for download for customers from the customer download area.
19 Apr 2011 Makewave CEO Christer Larsson has been reelected as board member for Telematics Valley for an additional two year period.
18 Apr 2011 Follow Christer Larsson on Twitter Follow Makewave CEO Christer Larsson on Twitter - @larssonchrister for updates and info on Makewave, OSGi and Knopflerfish.
1 Apr 2011 Makewave launches a corporate blog for news and updates on Makewave, OSGi, Knopflerfish and related posts.
6 Jan 2011 Semi-conductor company TranSwitch uses Knopflerfish to showcase high performance OSGi based Home Gateway designs based on TranSwitch's Atlanta 2000 processor family. The design has achieved best-in-class performance, while also satisfying the Home Gateway Initiative (HGI) software modularity test criteria.
The TranSwitch Press Release has the full story,
13 Dec 2010 Paremus & Makewave combine forces to support OSGi in the Enterprise and launches Nimble Distribution - a commercially supported OSGi distribution for enterprise applications Makewave. The Press Release has the full story,
13 Dec 2010 Makewave launches Knopflerfish Pro Enterprise to meet popular demand for certified OSGi technology in enterprise markets. Comprising of certified compliant open source OSGi technology and backed by commercial support, Knopflerfish Pro Enterprise is a premier choice for server side OSGi run-time container
3 Dec 2010 Makewave CEO Christer Larsson has been reelected as VP EMEA for the OSGi Alliance for an additional one year period.
12 Nov 2010 Ubicore 3.5 is now released and is available from the customer download site. The new release includes a Knopflerfish Pro Premium 3.1 based agent as well as other improvements.
27 Oct 2010 Makewave launches Knopflerfish Pro Premium as an extended version of Knopflerfish Pro, and the premium choice for an OSGI enabled home or automotive gateway, adding a User Interface package and an Application Manager component to Knopflerfish Pro.
20 Oct 2010 Knopflerfish Pro 3.1 is now released and is available for download for customers from the customer download area.
The non-commercial Knopflerfish 3.1 is made available at the same time at the Knopflerfish project:
22 Jul 2010 Knopflerfish Pro 3.0 is the first OSGi framework to be certified by the OSGi Alliance as compliant with the latest OSGi specification, OSGi Release 4, version 4.2.
22 Jun 2010 Ubicore 3.4 is released and is now available for download for customers from the customer section of the web site.

In Ubicore 3.4 the default client stack is based on Knopflerfish Pro 3.0, OSGi R4 v4.2

21 Jun 2010 Knopflerfish Pro 3.0 is now released and is available for download for customers from the customer download area.
The non-commercial Knopflerfish 3.0 is made available at the same time at the Knopflerfish project:
21 Jun 2010 Knopflerfish Pro 2.4 is now released and is available for download for customers from the customer download area. Knopflerfish Pro 2.4 marks the last minor release of KF Pro 2. Following the release of KF Pro 3, KF Pro 2 will be in maintenance mode and available as an OSGi R4 v4.01 option.
9 Jun 2010 The first release candidate, KF Pro 3 RC1, of the upcoming Knopflerfish Pro 3.0 release is now available for download for customers from the customer download area.
The non-commercial Knopflerfish 3.0 RC1 is made available at the same time at the Knopflerfish project:
12 May 2010 Knopflerfish Pro 3.0 beta-5 is now available for download for customers from the customer download area.
10 Mar 2010 Knopflerfish Pro 3.0 beta-4 is now available for download for customers from the customer download area.
13 Nov 2009 Makewave CEO Christer Larsson has been reelected as VP EMEA for the OSGi Alliance for an additional one year period.
30 Sep 2009 The final release of Ubicore 3.3 is now available for download for customers from the customer section of the web site.
9 Sep 2009 The Knopflerfish Pro 2.3.3 release is now available for download for customers from the customer section. This is a maintenance release and includes minor corrections.

This Pro version is built on Knopflerfish 2.3.3 which includes corrections in the framework as well as the declarative services, HTTP, desktop and user admin bundles.

The Knopflerfish OSGi 2.3.3 Release Notes has the complete list of fixes.

9 Jul 2009 The Knopflerfish Pro 2.3.2 release is now available for download for customers from the customer section. This release includes a new Preference settings view in the Application Manager and a GPS simulator.

The standard open source Knopflerfish OSGi also includes several updates including support for checking certificate chains against a Java Keystore or if they are self signed. Other fixes include corrections on the HTTP Service, Desktop, and enhancements of the JUnit bundle as well as the build system.

The Knopflerfish OSGi 2.3.2 Release Notes has the complete list of fixes.

15 Apr 2009 CVIS Project The EU funded R&D CVIS Project has launched an Application Innovation Contest where the winner of the most innovate OSGi based ITS application wins 25 000 Euro!

The development will be made using the CVIS SDK, powered by Knopflerfish Pro OSGi technology provided by Makewave.

14 Jan 2009 The final release of Ubicore 3.1 is now available for download for customers from the customer section of the web site.
19 Dec 2008 Ubicore 3.1 RC1 is released today and available for download for customers from the download section. The final 3.1 release is scheduled for release in mid January.
17 Dec 2008 Makewave CEO Christer Larsson has been reelected as VP EMEA for the OSGi Alliance for another year.
28 Mar 2008 Redmonk's Michal Coté discuss OSGi with Makewave's Christer Larsson
During Eclipsecon 2008 Michael Coté from Redmonk talked with Makewave's Christer Larsson about OSGi, the histroy behind it, and how this technology originally designed for an embedded gateway is becoming a corner stone in enterprise Java technology.
27 Feb 2008 Makewave launches Japanese subsidiary
Makewave partners with Japanese companies IN4S and ITX and jointly launch Makewave Japan.
12 Dec 2007 OSGi User's Forum Sweden Founded
OSGi Sweden Makewave is one of the co-founders of the newly established OSGi Users' Forum Sweden. Other members include Ciber, SICS and Jayway. The forum is one of the official users' forum of the OSGi Alliance alongside with forums in Japan, Korea, Spain and France.

A first official member meeting is planned to be held in conjunction with JFokus 2008

27 Nov 2007 Makewave launches new Java Enterprise, SOA, and Spring courses
Makewave strengthens the course offering and complements the OSGi courses by launching two new Java Enterprise courses
- Enterprise Java Beans 3, and Java Persistence API
- Building SOA Applications using the Spring Framework.
25 Oct 2007 CEO Christer Larsson reelected as VP EMEA of the OSGi Alliance.
CEO Christer Larsson has been reelected as the VP EMEA of the OSGi Alliance for a second year.
12 Jun 2007 CEO Christer Larsson reelected for Telematics Valley board.
CEO Christer Larsson has been reelected as board member for Telematics Valley for a 2nd two year period.
16 May 2007 Gatespace Telematics changes name to Makewave
Gatespace Telematics AB, a leading provider of OSGi technology and Java-based middleware solutions, today announced the change of its corporate name to Makewave AB, effective immediately.
17 Apr 2007 Makewave to sponsor OSGi Alliance community event
Makewave will sponsor the 2007 OSGi Alliance Community Event hosted by Siemens. This event will be the premier gathering for all OSGi members, users, business decision-makers, and developers to attend in 2007.
09 Apr 2007 Ricoh signs up for SLA
Ricoh strengthens the cooperation with Makewave by signing a SLA for Knopflerfish Pro. "We are proud for the trust Ricoh have in us and we will continue to provide Ricoh with excellent support", Håkan Nordfjell, VP Sales and Marketing, commented.
19 Jan 2007 Christer Larsson appointed VP EMEA of the OSGi Alliance
Makewave CEO Christer Larsson has been appointed as VP EMEA of the OSGi Alliance. In this role Christer will be acting as a spokes-person for the OSGi Alliance at conferences, events and similar occasions.
17 Jan 2007 Japanese web site launced
We are very happy with the the strong interest coming from Japan for the OSGi technology in general our OSGi products in particular. Because of this increased demand we are now happy to launch a A Japanese version of the company's web site.
19 Jan 2007 Christer Larsson appointed VP EMEA of the OSGi Alliance
Makewave CEO Christer Larsson has been appointed as VP EMEA of the OSGi Alliance. In this role Christer will be acting as a spokes-person for the OSGi Alliance at conferences, events and similar occasions.
17 Jan 2007 Japanese web site launced
We are very happy with the the strong interest coming from Japan for the OSGi technology in general our OSGi products in particular. Because of this increased demand we are now happy to launch a A Japanese version of the company's web site.
30 Nov 2006 Knopflerfish 2.0.1 released
This release is mainly a maintenance release and includes minor error corrections and enhancements. The new release may be downloaded from the Knopflerfish website.
26 Jul 2006 Makewave joins OSGi Technology patent pledge
Makewave, together the with the OSGi Alliance and the four high tech companies IBM, Nokia, Samsung and Prosyst, today announced a united royalty-free patent pledge.

The complete pledge is posted on our website and is available here.

28 Jun 2006 Knopflerfish Pro 2.0 certified OSGi R4 compliant
Knopflerfish Pro 2.0 has been certified by the OSGi Alliance to be compliant to the OSGi release 4 specifications.
28 Jun 2006 Ubiserv renamed Knopflerfish Pro
With the release of Knopflerfish 2.0, the commercial Knopflerfish edition Ubiserv provided by Makewave is renamed Knopflerfish Pro
28 Jun 2006 Knopflerfish 2.0.0 released. OSGi R4 fully supported.
Today Knopflerfish 2.0 is officially released. The freely available Knopflerfish 2.0 version is available for download from the Knopflerfish website.
05 Jun 2006 Ubicore Live available for GST SSC contestants
Developers can now test GST Deployment and Provisioning using an early release of the new version of Makewave' remote management system Ubicore available at:

Click 'Create new domain' to apply for a domain. Once your domain has been activated you will get a mail on how to login. Additional document ion on how to use the service is available in the Ubicore Live portal.

24 May 2006 Knopflerfish 2.0.0 RC1 released. OSGi R4 fully supported.
There is today a first release candidate of Knopflerfish 2.0 available for download from the Knopflerfish website.
05 Apr 2006 KF2 beta-4 released
The fourth beta release of KF 2 adds the missing Permissions feature in OSGi R4. The release also includes minor changes and bug fixes. Next release of KF2 is scheduled to be RC1 in mid April. The official KF2 release is getting closer!

This beta-4 is available for download here.

06 Mar 2006 Third beta release of Knopflerfish 2
The third beta release of KF 2 adds full support for extension bundles. The release also includes minor changes and bug fixes.

The only remaining optional feature before full R4 compliance is Permissions. Support for Permissions is scheduled for release in March 2006.

This beta-3 is available for download here.

22 Feb 2006 Start of the GST SSC (Service Submission Contest)
Today is the official start date of the GST Service Submission Contest, SSC. All the tools you need to participate can be downloaded from our website.
10 Feb 2006 Second Beta version of Knopflerfish 2 released.
The second beta release of KF 2 adds some important optional features in the R4 specification, such as required bundles and fragments.

The release schedule for KF 2 is updated to include a possible third beta release adding R4 security features before going to the final 2.0 release.

This beta-2 is available for download here.

29 Jan 2006 Beta version of Knopflerfish 2 released.
This is the first beta release of Knopflerfish 2.0. With this release KF 2 is feature complete for all mandatory parts of the R4 core framework specification. The release is also feature complete for all vital parts of OSGi release 4 Service Compendium.
This beta is available for download here
21 Dec 2005 Alpha version of Knopflerfish 2 released.
A first Alpha version of Knopflerfish 2 was released today. This is the next major release of Knopflerfish. When officially released Knopflerfish 2 will implement the new OSGi R4 specification fully. The new release may be downloaded from the Knopflerfish website.
10 Nov 2005 Göran Ehn appointed Sales & Business Development Manager
Makewave has appointed Göran Ehn Sales & Business Development Manager. Göran will work primarily with Secureon and the Lime product line.
14 Oct 2005 Version 1.3.4 of Knopflerfish released.
A new version of Knopflerfish was released today. This release is mainly a maintenance release and includes minor error corrections and enhancements. The new release may be downloaded from the Knopflerfish website.
13 Oct 2005 Version 1.0.8 of Eclipse plug-in for Knopflerfish / Ubiserv released.
A new version of the Eclipse plug-in for OSGi bundle development for Knopflerfish and Ubiserv was released today. Instructions on how to install and use the plug-in are available in the programming section.
01 Sep 2005 Håkan Nordfjell appointed VP Sales & Marketing.
Makewave has appointed Håkan Nordfjell VP Sales & Marketing. Prior to joining Makewave Håkan worked for Viking Telecom.
30 Jun 2005 New company address
The company is now installed and fully operational in the new office. The new company address and fax number can be found here
15 Jun 2005 Makewave moves to bigger offices
Following the expansion of the business, Makewave will move to larger offices. The company has found a suitable office space on Första Långgatan 18. This is right across the river from Lindholmen Science Park, on the south bank of the river Göta Älv.
9 Jun 2005 CEO Christer Larsson enters Telematics Valley board
At the Telematics Valley general assembly meeting, CEO Christer Larsson was elected for a board position.
1 Jun 2005 Eclipse plug-in for Knopflerfish / Ubiserv released.
A first beta release of the Knopflerfish eclipse plug-in is available for free download. This will give developers a powerful tool for developing OSGi bundles in the eclipse environment. The programming section on the Knopflerfish website will guide you how to install and use the plug-in. Support for the eclipse plug-in is included in the Ubiserv SLA.
16 May 2005 Makewave acquires Secureon AB.
Makewave acquires the Gothenburg based company Secureon. The press release has the full story.
28 Dec 2004 Knopflerfish 1.3.3 released
The Knopflerfish 1.3.3 release is primarily a maintenance release.
20 Sep 2004 Makewave bronze sponsor of OSGi World Congress
Makewave, Nokia and ProSyst Endorse OSGi Alliance 2004 World Congress as Bronze Level Sponsors. The press release has the full story.
2 Jul 2004 Knopflerfish 1.3.1 released
The Knopflerfish 1.3.1 release is primarily a maintenance release, but also include new features like OBR bundle repositories.
13 May 2004 Makewave goes open source
Makewave has decided to go open source and releases Ubiserv, an open source based OSGi release 3 certified service platform. The core part of Ubiserv is open sourced as the Knopflerfish project. The two products SGADK and GDSP are hereby discontinued and replaced by Ubiserv. The press release has the full story.
8 Apr 2004 GST project is now officially started
The GST project is now officially started. A kick-off meeting was held on 6-7 April in Brussels to launch this large EU funded, 6th framework project. Makewave is deeply involved in the project and participates in the core architecture group, the Open Systems sub-project, and is responsible for the test site in Gothenburg together with Volvo Technology.